Tullatoola…… Bruno Schmid.

Sad to hear of the passing of Bruno Schmid.  Well known Simmental and Red Angus breeder from New South Wales.  Historic genetics in the cattle as well as the very forward thinking by the use of the devine Crossroad Sierra 524s and Mader P Glory Road.  Crossroad Sierra 524s on the highlighted photo.

Successfully managed by David Hobbs the property is based at Molong.  Over 30 years of breeding Simmental from a wide range of genetics. Best Exhibit Royal Sydney 2014 with BST Tullatoola Eastlake.

Eastlake carries several high profile cattle in the line going back to Ranel.  Grinalta’s Excel noted.


Maders P Glory Road

Maders P Glory Road. By Remington General Lee out of Crossroad Twinkle.


Tullatoola Eastlake

BST Tullatoola Eastlake J016.   Sired by Barana Eastlake out of Tullatoola Wendy.

Photo (Stuart Hobbs FB 2014)


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