Cross Breeding

*ATTENTION FARMERS—Coles want early euro calves and early finished cross euro.

Sim Angus

Sim Angus is the current most important cross of our time – we can tell you why and how to achieve this.




Belgian Blue/Sim cow with Simmental Calf. Weight at 10 mths 510 Kg.

Belgian Blue/Sim cow with Simmental
Weight at 10 mths 510 Kg.


Hereford heifers. Outstanding cross for vealer production. Fabulous calving ease. This cross will add $50 to $100 per head on Vealers.

Hereford heifers.
Outstanding cross for vealer production. Fabulous calving ease.
This cross will add $50 to $100 per head on Vealers.


Ten-Rose Fella (18mths) Full Red Poll Simmental Bull running with Angus heifers. These Red Poll Simmental bulls give calving ease and growth. Adding $ per head. These red and blacks have calving ease with growth.

Ten-Rose Fella (18mths) Full Red Poll Simmental Bull running with Angus heifers. These Red Poll Simmental bulls give calving ease and growth. Adding $ per head. 



Ten-Rose Fella, heifer bull

<-Commercial vealer 8 mth Early fininshing for the supermarket trade…...more beef & less bone with Sim.

Early finishing for the supermarket trade……more beef  with Sim.
Simmental X Holstein heifer VALUABLE milkers and outstanding vealer producers. This cross milks & breeds. Progeny from this cross will top markets if put back to a Simmental bull.

Simmental X Holstein heifer VALUABLE milkers and outstanding vealer producers.  This cross milks & breeds.
Progeny from this cross will top markets if put back to a Simmental bull.












Dual purpose bull

Dual purpose bull



FleckviehSimmental Holstein F1 >100,000kgFleckviehSimmental Holstein F1 >100,000kg




F1  FleckviehSimmental X Holstein

FleckviehSimmental X Holstein Fleck/Sim X Holstein



Fleckvieh Simmental

Calves sell for more.

Calves sell for more   F1



F1 milkers

F1 milkers Holstein X Fleckvieh Simmental


F1 This cross milks.

F1 This cross milks.   Holstein X Fleckvieh Simmental.


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